This tutorial will illustrate the different components of Experimaestro using a simple experimental project to illustrate the various aspects.
First install the package using
pip install experimaestro
A configuration object in Experimaestro serves as a structured template to define parameters and settings for tasks and experiments. Key aspects include:
- Parameter Definition: Specifies essential inputs needed for task execution, like file paths, numerical values, etc.
- Types and Validation: Ensures parameters are in the correct format with type specifications and validation rules.
- Default Values: Provides default settings for optional or commonly used parameters.
- Documentation: Includes explanations for each parameter, aiding in user understanding and usability.
- Hierarchy and Nesting: Allows organization of parameters in a structured manner, especially useful in complex tasks.
- Task Linking: Directly associated with specific tasks or experiments to provide necessary inputs.
- Flexibility and Extensibility: Adaptable to changing requirements by allowing modifications and additions.
- Serialization: Can be saved and loaded for sharing.
In essence, configuration objects in Experimaestro facilitate the automation, and reproducibility of experiments by providing a detailed and validated framework for task parameters.
An example of a configuration of an optimizer in machine learning:
from experimaestro import Config, Param
class Optimizer(Config):
def__call__(self, parameters):
class Adam(Optimizer):
"""Wrapper for Adam optimizer"""
lr: Param[float] = 1e-3
"""Learning rate"""
weight_decay: Param[float] = 0.0
"""Weight decay (L2)"""
eps: Param[float] = 1e-8
def __call__(self, parameters):
# Returns an optimizer for the given parameters
Configuration identifiers
Experimaestro has an automated process that generates a unique signature for each configuration depending on experimental parameters – this idea is used for instance in PlanOut to uniquely identify the system parameters in A/B testing. This identifier plays a crucial in identifying a unique set of parameters. Here's a detailed description:
Uniqueness: A configuration identifier is unique for each configuration instance. This uniqueness ensures that each configuration can be distinctly identified and referenced, avoiding confusion or overlap with other configurations.
MD5 Hashes: Experimaestro utilizes MD5 hashes as configuration identifiers. These hashes are unique to each configuration, ensuring a distinct and consistent identifier for every set of parameters.
Run-Once Guarantee: The unique MD5 hash identifiers ensure that each task associated with a specific configuration is executed only once. This is particularly important in avoiding redundant computations and ensuring the efficiency of the workflow.
Taking the configuration class Adam
defined above, we have:
returns the same identifier sincelr
has a default value of1e-3
(different set of parameters)
When it comes to actually running code, Experimaestro allows to define
tasks that are special kinds of configurations. The
task defined below learns a model. It also defines parameters which do not
change the outcome but rather (1) the processing (e.g. number of GPUs to use)
and are marked as Meta
, (2) the output location on disk (e.g. index_path). In
both cases, the parameter value should be ignored when computing the signature
of the experiment. The method execute is called when the task is effectively
run, with the different parameters accessible through self in the execute
class LearnedModel(Config):
model: Param[Model]
"""The model"""
path: Param[Path]
"""The path to the serialized parameters"""
def instance(self):
"""Returns the model with the learned parameters"""
return self.model
class Learn(Task):
"""Index documents"""
model: Param[Model]
"""The model to use"""
data: Param[Dataset]
"""The dataset to use"""
optimizer: Param[Optimizer]
"""The optimizer"""
epochs: Param[int]
"""Number of epochs"""
gpus: Meta[int] = 2
"""Number of GPUs to use (note the `Meta`)"""
model_path: Annotated[Path, pathgenerator("")]
"""A path relative to the task directory"""
def execute(self):
# Learns and save the model in self.model_path
def task_outputs(self, dep: Callable):
"""Output of this task when submitted
:param dep: A function that marks any configuration object as a dependency
# Construct the returned configuration object
learned_model = LearnedModel(model=model, path=self.model_path)
# The learned model is an dependent on this task, so we use dep
return dep(learned_model)
Launchers and connectors
When running experiments, it might be useful to specify the material constraint
– especially when running on clusters like slurm. This can be done easily with a
configuration file (that specificies how to launch a
task given some specifications), and the find_launcher
from experimaestro.launcherfinder import find_launcher
learn_launcher = find_launcher(
"""duration=2 days & cuda(mem=16G) * 4 & cpu(mem=400M, cores=4)"""
""" | duration=4 days & cuda(mem=16G) * 2 & cpu(mem=400M, cores=4)"""
evaluation_launcher = find_launcher(
"""duration=6 hours & cuda(mem=16G) * 4 & cpu(mem=2G, cores=16)"""
When configurations and tasks are defined, it is possible to assemble them by defining an experimental plan. Contrarily to all the other frameworks, Experimaestro has adopted an imperative style to define an experiment. This makes it particularly easy to define complex experimental plans. The code below shows a simple but full experimental plan.
Let start with the experimental file
describes the experiment:
from experimaestro.experiments import ExperimentHelper, configuration
class Configuration:
epochs: int
n_layers: List[int]
def run(
helper: ExperimentHelper, cfg: Configuration
# Experimental code
optimizer = Adam(lr=1e-4)
dataset = MyDataset()
models = [AwesomeModel(layers=tag(n_layer)) for n_layer in cfg.n_layers]
learned = {}
for model in models:
# Learn the model
learner = Learner(optimizer=optimizer, dataset=dataset.train, model=model)
learned_model = learner.submit(launcher=learn_launcher, epochs=cfg.epochs)
# Keeps track of the learned models
# e.g. here tagspath returns `f"layers={n_layer}"`
learned[tagspath(learned_model)] = learned_model
# and evaluate (another task, not shown here)
Evaluate(dataset=dataset.test, model=learned_model).submit(launcher=evaluation_launcher)
With debug.yaml
located in the same folder as
# Uses
file: experiment
# Just debugging
epochs: 16
# Experimental parameters
n_layers: [3, 5]
The experiment can be started with
experimaestro run-experiment --run-mode dry-run debug.yaml
The run mode controls the experiment: dry-run
is used to just test that the
script runs until the end, generate
generates job directories, and normal
launches the jobs.
The ExperimentHelper
API is described in this document.
Finally, while many parameters can have an effect on the process outcome, only a
subset of those are monitored during a typical experiment. These are specially
marked using tagging with the tag
function. In the code above, one tag is
used. These tags can be easily retrieved (e.g. when generating the final
report), and are also easily accessible when interacting with the command line
and web interfaces.
Unique task ID
Notice that there is no indication of the folder where tasks are run and store results is given in the experimental plan, beside the location of the main experiment directory (not shown here). This is one of the strength of Experimaestro, i.e. the exact location is determined when a task is submitted, and is unique for a given set of experimental parameters – this allows to avoid running twice the same task and the painful creation of unique folder names for each experiment, which are error-prone and time-consuming.
When .submit()
is called, Experimaestro automatically computes the task byte
string, and its signature. The identifier will be composed of the task ID and of
the identifier, e.g. my.module.learner/133778acb
.... All the artifacts
generated by this task are contained within this folder (e.g. the argument
model_path), allowing easy task management (e.g. lookup results, cleaning up old
experiments, etc.).