
A task is a special configuration that can be:

  1. Submitted to the task scheduler using submit (preparation of the experiment)
  2. Executed with the method execute (running a specific task within the experiment)

Defining a task

from experimaestro import Config, Task, Param

class ModelLearn(Task):
    epochs: Param[int] = 100
    model: Param[Model]
    parameters: Annotated[Path, pathgenerator("parameters.pth")]

    def execute(self):
        """Called when this task is run"""

Task lifecycle

During task execution, the working directory is set to be the task directory, and some special variables are defined:

  • tags can be accessed as a dictionary using self.__tags__
  • task directory can is self.__taskdir__
  • when using sub-parameters, self.__maintaskdir__ is the directory of the main task

Tasks outputs and dependencies

Task outputs can be re-used by other tasks. It is thus important to properly define what is a task dependency (i.e. the task should be run before) or not. To do so, the task_outputs method of a Task takes one argument, dep, which can be used to mark a dependency to the task.

By default, the task configuration is marked as a dependency as follows:

    class MyTask(Task):
        # (by default)
        def task_outputs(self, dep) -> Task:
            return dep(self)

For more complex cases, one can redefine the task_outputs method and explicitly declare the dependencies.

Task outputs

In this example, we sample from a dataset composed of composed of queries and documents. The documents are left untouched, but the topics are sampled. In that case, we express the fact that:

  • the returned object Dataset should be dependant on the task RandomFold
  • the topics property of this dataset should also be dependant
  • but the documents property should not (since we do not sample from it)
    class RandomFold(Task):
        dataset: Param[Dataset]
        """The source dataset"""

        topics: Annotated[Path, pathgenerator("topics.tsv")]
        """Generated topics"""

        def task_outputs(self, dep) -> Adhoc:
            return dep(Dataset(

Submit hooks

When a task is submitted, it is possible to modify the job/launcher environnement

from experimaestro import SubmitHook, Job, Launcher, submit_hook_decorator

class needs_java(SubmitHook):
    def __init__(self, version: int):
        self.version = version

    def spec(self):
        """Returns a hashable identifier for this hook (so it is only applied once)"""
        return self.version

    def process(self, job: Job, launcher: Launcher):
        """Apply the hook for a given job/launcher"""
        job.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "THE_JAVA_HOME"

class IndexCollection(Config):

Lightweights tasks using @cache

Sometimes, a configuration might need to compute some output that might be interesting to cache, but without relying on a fully-fledged task (because it can be done on the fly). In those cases, the annotation @cache can be used. Behind the curtain, a config cache is created (using the configuration unique identifier) and the path is locked (avoiding problems if the same configuration is used in two running tasks):

class Terms(Config):
    def load(self, path: Path):
        if path.is_file():
            return pickle.load(path)

        # Value which can be long to compute
        weights = self.compute_weights()

        np.save(path, weights)
        return terms